Council Tax - Moving within Malvern Hills, Worcester City or Wychavon

Use the form below if you:

  • currently pay Council Tax to Malvern Hills, Worcester City or Wychavon (or have done so in the past) and are moving to another address within Malvern Hills, Worcester City or Wychavon where you will be liable for the Council Tax

You must complete the fields marked with a *

The following questions are about your old address

If a tenancy, is this a furnished tenancy?

The following questions are about your new address

If a tenancy, is this a furnished tenancy?

Do you wish to claim a sole occupier discount?

Discounts or exemptions

  • If you wish to claim Housing Benefit please complete an online claim form here.

    Important note to all customers who are claiming Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support. If you wish your Support to continue at your new address but you are moving from one Local Authority area to another, you MUST complete a new online claim application in your new Local Authority area.

  • If you wish to claim a discount please go to discounts
  • If you wish to claim an exemption please go to exempt dwellings
  • If you are disabled please go to council tax and disabled people